Diets simply Don't Work!
A while back a friend of mine came to me and asked me for help.You see his weight had
ballooned to 285lbs.I asked him how he felt and it was the first time I saw how depression
and obesity intertwined.He was surprised when I said I would not work with him on a diet.
Eating is so tied to emotion that you can sometimes tell how a person is feeling just by what
they are eating.We eat when we are happy,sad,or meeting with old friends and we eat when
we are lonely.Eating and Emotion goes hand in hand so much so that addressing it when in a
negative state is almost always a recipe for disaster.When a person that loves food is feeling
depressed and we tell them to give up food,you are taking away the last thing that gives them
pleasure.This is where many in the fitness industry make me upset.He was so desperate for a
diet plan that worked,I could have sold him any thing and took the money knowing he would
fail at it and them blame him for failing saying if you would follow the diet it would work.You
cant stop someone from eating it takes a lot of will power and I know he wouldn't follow the
diet.It would be wrong for me to do that and unprofessional.Instead I offered him a plan that
was not just designed to work in theory but took into account that he was a human and not
some lab rat.I told him forget about the diet and just follow a quick exercise routine.I gave him
3 short training routines for the week.He asked for more the next week and I gave it to him.
The end of the second week he said he felt so different emotionally that he was actually starting
to eat different foods more healthy foods.You see when you feel good about your self it is easier
to treat your self right.He made those changes his self and felt proud about his choices and discipline.
Now it is habit forming and he looks forward to the exercise routine.When I last seen him about 4
months ago he weighed about 250lbs and said he never felt better and was looking forward to meeting
his goal and that is 225lbs.I have no doubt he will make it.We can't start with the hardest thing you have
to start with a better outlook,start with feeling happy and proud!The best part is you don't have to love
exercise to start a exercise program as long as it is the right program.This is the right program.
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