Sunday, December 25, 2011

Black babies used as aligator bait

In this shocking video, the story is told about how black babies were once used as alligator bait. A curious historian traces the dark past to try to explain why black babies appeared on so many post cards with alligators chasing them. The video is disturbing, but is a must-see when it comes to understanding the part of your history that they never taught you in public school.This is how much our babies lives meant to white people during slavery and this is why we should be paid for what we had to endure during out history in america and why we can never let things like this ever happen again and use our resources so our kids and their kids,generation after generation will be safe from the backlash of slavery and breaking the Willie Lynch mind set that so many of blacks still have today.we will continue to be a dead people if we dont wake up and loosen the chains of slavery off our minds.Each one Teach one!!
Watch This Free Video -

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